Important Dates |
Application Fee | |
Starting Date for Online Application : 19-02-2024 Last Date for Online Application : 06-03-2024 |
Application Fee for Other Candidates : Rs. 300/- Application Fee for SC/ ST: Nil Payment Mode : Through Online Mode by using net banking or by using Visa/ Master/ Maestro/ Rupay Credit/ Debit Card/ UPI |
Age Limit as on 01/01/2024Minimum Age limit : 21 Years |
Vacancy Details Total : 70 Post |
Post Name | No. of Post | Eligibility Criteria |
General Duty (GD) | 50 | (i) Should hold a degree of recognised university with minimum 60% aggregate marks. (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subject upto Intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum. |
Technical (Mechanical) |
(i) Should hold an Engineering degree of recognized university in Naval Architecture or Mechanical or Marine or Automotive or Mechatronics or Industrial and Production or Metallurgy or Design or Aeronautical or Aerospace with minimum 60% aggregate marks. OR Equivalent qualification in any of the above disciplines recognised by the Institutes of the Engineers (India) as exempted from section ‘A’ and ‘B’ and their associate membership examination 2 (AMIE). (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subject upto intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum. |
Technical (Electrical/ Electronics) |
(i) Should hold an Engineering degree of recognized university in Electrical or Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and Communication or Power Engineering or Power Electronics with minimum 60% aggregate marks. OR Equivalent qualification in any of the above disciplines recognised by the Institutes of the Engineers (India) as exempted from section ‘A’ and ‘B’ and their associate membership examination (AMIE). (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subject upto intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum. |
Category Vice Vacancy Details | |||||||
Post | Vacancies | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | TOTAL |
General Duty (GD) | 50 | 06 | 07 | 18 | 02 | 17 | 50 |
Tech (Engg/ Elect) | 20 | 05 | 02 | 08 | — | 05 | 20 |
Total | 70 | 11 | 09 | 26 | 02 | 22 | 70 |
Some Useful Important Links |
Apply online | Click Here |
Notification | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
JOIN INDIAN COAST GUARD Asst Commandant Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online
3. Explanation on certain eligibility criteria:
(a) While determining the minimum percentage of marks for eligibility, only the original
whole number (without rounding off) of the percentage shall be taken into account. Fractional
value shall not be considered for determining eligibility. E.g. UR/OBC candidates scoring
59.9% or SC/ ST candidate scoring 54.9% in degree are not eligible.
(b) For all other eligible candidates, rounded off of percentage is to be carried out and
only whole number is to be entered in the online application form. Procedure for carrying
out rounding off of percentage (only for eligible candidates) is as follows:-
(i) If the first fractional digit after decimal point is from 0 to 5, the percentage will
be rounded to the original whole number. E.g. 60.1– 60.5 will rounded off as 60.
(ii) If the first fractional digit after decimal point is from 6 to 9, the percentage will
be rounded to the next higher whole number. E.g. 60.6 – 60.9 will be rounded
off as 61.
(c) Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (non-creamy layer)
candidates are applicable only if the posts are reserved for them.
(d) Maximum 5% relaxation in aggregate marks in respect of SC/ST candidates is
applicable only for degree marks and not applicable for 10+2 marks.
(e) In case the candidates are awarded grades/ CGPA instead of marks, the conversion of
grades/ CGPA to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure certified by the
University/School from where they have obtained the degree/school board.
(f) Candidates having Integrated Post-Graduation degree are also eligible to apply
provided that they are in possession of certificate issued by the respective Institution/
University, certifying that the candidate has passed the qualifying Degree (with
percentage/marks clearly mentioned) as a part of the Integrated Post Graduation Course and
the candidate is eligible for award of Graduation Degree. Such candidates have to upload the
certificate carrying Name, Father’s name, Date of Birth, Registration Number/ Roll No. during
the registration.
(g) Indian Coast Guard has the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects
of the examination and decide on number of candidates to be shortlisted for Stage-II (PSB) &
Stage-III (FSB)
(h) The date of birth and gender will not be allowed to be changed at any subsequent
stage even after induction under any circumstances whatsoever and candidature/
appointment of any candidate will be cancelled at any stage whenever any wrong information
is detected.
. Additional Eligibility Criteria.
(a) Candidates withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any other service training academy
are not eligible to appear.
(b) Candidates should not have been arrested, convicted or prosecuted on criminal
(c) Candidates who are studying in the final year/ final semester of degree course and are
yet to pass the final year degree examination can also apply provided that the candidate
should not have any backlog and should have secured a minimum of 60% marks (55% in
respect of SC/ST candidates) up to the last semester/ year for which results have been
declared at the time of submission of application. Such candidates have to produce a
certificate signed by the Registrar/Controller of the concerned university regarding non
declaration of final year/semester result (Format available on ICG website). They are required
to submit proof of passing the degree examination (with requisite percentage in aggregate)
by 30 Nov 24 and no request for extending this date will be entertained on the grounds of
late conduct of basic qualifying University Examination, delay in declaration of results or any
other ground whatsoever.
(d) Further explanations on eligibility of candidates who are in final year/semester are
given below:-
JOIN INDIAN COAST GUARD Asst Commandant Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online